League players call on Riot to implement this ‘stock standard feature’ that’s been missing since the game’s inception
League of Legends is an old game. Like, really old. Old enough to be in high school, even. But players are fed up with its old and archaic systems, and are now begging Riot to introduce an industry-standard feature to its client: “appear offline” and “invisible.”
Both of these features are present in almost every other online client, game, and social media platform out there. Most notably, Steam has an “Invisible” option that makes you seem offline to people on your friend’s list while you are, in fact, still there. Players in a Jan. 31 Reddit thread want something of the sort for themselves, with the thread’s creator explaining that they “sometimes I just want to play my games without anyone bothering me or inviting me to play,” which everyone can relate to. How many times have you just booted up the client only to be bombarded by messages from friends or randoms asking you to queue up?