It’s been 12 years since xPeke pulled off this iconic LoL play—feel old?

It’s been 12 years since xPeke pulled off this iconic LoL play—feel old?

It’s been 12 years since xPeke pulled off this iconic LoL play—feel old?

Time flies; we all know it. Twelve years ago, the first League of Legends icons were being made, including xPeke. It has now been 12 years since the Spaniard made the legendary play we all know him for.

If you ever played League, you’re familiar with the term xPeke. It means securing a backdoor Nexus play single-handedly and against all odds, and it came from the former Spanish mid laner who stunned SK Gaming with that play at IEM Katowice 2013. His team, Fnatic, were fighting for their lives against SK, and it was xPeke who granted them a playoff berth, cementing himself in history forever.

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