Is Stimulation Clicker the next Infinite Craft? The newest game from, explained

Is Stimulation Clicker the next Infinite Craft? The newest game from, explained

Is Stimulation Clicker the next Infinite Craft? The newest game from, explained came out with a new browser game, and this time it’s directed at the highly stimulated internet users. Stimulation Clicker works similarly to Cookie Clicker, but the more you click, the more things will appear on your screen to stimulate you.

Unlike Infinite Craft, Stimulation Clicker doesn’t require any logic or any thinking—on the contrary. The objective is to create as much stimulation as possible to the point you can’t even think. This game is a nod to the recent trend of consuming a lot of content at the same time, such as watching a video with a clip of subway surfers on the bottom, or listening to a podcast or an ASMR video while doing other things.

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