How to open the Aranshire Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

How to open the Aranshire Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

How to open the Aranshire Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is brimming with optional content you can pursue outside the game’s main narrative. While exploring the vast expanse of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the wizarding world beyond, you will likely encounter anything from Merlin Trials to Daedalian Keys scattered throughout the major regions.

Treasure Vaults are another optional objective that players can seek. As you may expect, these vaults can contain significant amounts of Galleons or useful items. Before you can access the treasure, however, you need to complete a series of simple puzzles. Each region in Hogwarts Legacy has several treasure vaults, with Aranshire being one such region.

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