Fortnite players insist Godzilla should be an NPC roaming the island

Fortnite players insist Godzilla should be an NPC roaming the island

Fortnite players insist Godzilla should be an NPC roaming the island

For Godzilla to appear, a player must make their way through his portal to transform into the titan. Other players fight him, and the one who causes the most damage is rewarded. Godzilla has only been in Fortnite for a few days, but already, the community has some notes.

At first, players had the usual gripes about this type of mini-event—the spawn rate was too low, and the beast was too powerful or not powerful enough. Epic Games pretty quickly changed the spawn rates, although, to be honest even at a 40 percent chance, the chance of Godzilla’s portal appearing is not high enough. Once someone runs through the portal and becomes Godzilla, almost the entire lobby attacks, meaning the creature goes down quickly. While some players think Godzilla should be a permanent fixture for the duration of his event this month, others have a different idea.

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