Enshrouded’s latest update adds long-requested building feature alongside emotes, chat, and more

Enshrouded’s latest update adds long-requested building feature alongside emotes, chat, and more

Enshrouded’s latest update adds long-requested building feature alongside emotes, chat, and more

Enshrouded’s first update of 2025, Pact of the Flame, is here, and it introduces a long-awaited building feature—now you can finally ensure that the table stands exactly where you want it to and not an inch to the side.

Following last week’s teaser, Enshrouded revealed on Jan. 28 what’s coming to the game in today’s Pact of the Flame update. One of the main additions is the first-person mode for building and prop placement. To make a pixel-perfect home, you can now switch between the third and first-person modes in the build menu.

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