Complete materials guide for Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Complete materials guide for Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Complete materials guide for Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Hello Kitty Island Adventure will have you crafting up furniture and recipes every day you play. However, tracking down each material proves itself trickier than you’d expect from a cozy game.

Where to get all materials in HKIA

Hello kitty island adventure character standing next to crafting table.
Materials, materials. Screenshot by DotEsports

Materials can, of course, be used for crafting, but you can also use them as easy one-heart gifts. While some items are found across the Island, you’ll sometimes have to gift a character to get what you need. Furthermore, materials are often time-gated. So, once you’ve exhausted your supply of Pineapples on the Island or the three gifts for a character, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get more.

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