All changes to Freddy Krueger The Nightmare in Dead by Daylight

All changes to Freddy Krueger The Nightmare in Dead by Daylight

All changes to Freddy Krueger The Nightmare in Dead by Daylight

Freddy Krueger has gone through some revisions in Dead by Daylight, and the development team have given this living nightmare a few adjustments and tweaks. The hope behind these changes were to make him a more versatile pick against Survivors, turning him into an even more deadly opponent.

These changes focused on making Freddy Krueger’s Dream World even more deadly while Survivors are awake. The hope was to make fighting against him a consistent threat, rather than feeling that he could only be a true problem when you were asleep. There are multiple changes coming to how you can play as Freddy Krueger, but we have the full breakdown to make stepping into his slashing glove much easier. We’ll be breaking down every change to Freddy Krueger as The Nightmare in DBD, and how you can take advantage of these adjustments.

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