Palworld Expedition guide: All dungeons, rewards, and more

Palworld Expedition guide: All dungeons, rewards, and more

Palworld Expedition guide: All dungeons, rewards, and more

They all grow up and leave the nest some day, don’t they? At least, that’s what we’re telling ourselves when we send our Pals on Expeditions in Palworld.

As of the Feybreak patch that hit live servers on Dec. 23, you can now send your Pals on their very own journey through Palworld’s Expedition mechanic. This dungeon system offers a wide variety of lucrative rewards, but it comes at a bit of a cost: You won’t be able to access your Pals or take advantage of their labor while they’re out on an Expedition. Although this ends up being a fair trade, there are a few requirements you must first meet before your Pals can partake in a dungeon run.

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