How to get good at The Finals.
If you want to climb through the ranks in this game show-themed shooter, you’ll need these top The Finals tips. The game made waves when it was first released due to how it’s not just another FPS: it doesn’t take itself too seriously, it’s incredibly fast paced, it has unique modes and mechanics, and the sense of destruction is immeasurable. With a game like no other comes some tips you’ll need to learn the game however, because accurate shooting will only get you so far. Here are my top seven The Finals tips.
Pick things up (and throw them)
Anything that isn’t fixed to the floor can be picked up in The Finals, from goo barrels and exploding canisters to the cash box whenever you’re playing Cash Out. When you’re carrying something though, you can’t fire your gun or engage in combat. So you should get in the habit of throwing things constantly. Be sure to throw the cash box to a teammate for efficiency, or simply in the general direction of your team if you’re going to die with it in your hands.
As for the exploding canisters, fire barrels, gas traps, and goo crates, don’t just use them willy-nilly—it’s easy to hinder teammates. Whenever possible, you should use them to engage and distract enemies before laying down fire.
Your abilities should (almost) always be on cooldown
No matter which class you’re playing, you should ensure your abilities are on cooldown more often than not. The refresh time isn’t particularly long and even if you’re the most accurate FPS player in the world, enemies using abilities will be able to outplay you. So get in the habit of using your abilities as much as possible.
Block jump pads with goo and destroy ziplines
Movement is key in The Finals, from dodging, ducking, dipping, and diving in combat to maneuvering your way across the map as quickly as possible. The latter is usually done with launch pads and ziplines, but obviously your enemies can use these too. If you’re defending an objective and you know where your enemies are going to be coming from, destroy the ziplines and block launch pads with goo. You’ll seriously slow them down.
Pretty much everything is destructible
The Finals is special because pretty much everything is destructible. Almost every building, trees, walls… the only things you can’t destroy is the ground and any objectives. However, you can destroy the surroundings around the cash out to ensure any enemies that want to steal it have to do so in the open and are easily spotted. This will practically ensure your cash out won’t get nicked during the two minute timer. If you have explosives, you should also destroy rooftops and walls to take out any safe vantage points enemy snipers are utilising.
Underhand throw grenades when enemies are nearby
You can throw grenades the standard way by right-clicking with one in hand, but did you know you can also throw them underhand by left-clicking? They’ll only go a few meters in front of you but this method is ideal when you’re in an enclosed space and want to flush out enemies—just drop it then dip out of there again—or when you’re fleeing from foes chasing you and want to drop one at your feet.
Revive your teammates
A common mistake from newbies is to completely ignore the option to revive teammates. As long as you’re not in the middle of combat, you should always do it where possible, because it saves them precious seconds running back across the map to get to the objective. Remember the first tip about picking things up and throwing them? If your opponent needs reviving in the open, you can also pick up their little revive statue and take them to a safe place before beginning the revive.
Goo is very flammable
There are multiple ways you can summon goo in The Finals: canisters, the Goo Gun if you’re a Heavy, Goo Grenades, the list goes on. There are also lots of different ways to cause a fire from Pyro Grenades to flame barrels, so whether you want to set goo on fire to cause your opponents problems or you need to get the heck outta dodge because some nearby goo has been engulfed, it’s one of the most important environmental tips to understand.