How to complete defeat five enemies with Storm or Captain America using Thorfoce in Marvel Rivals
You can unleash the powers of multiple superheroes in Marvel Rivals, working together with your friends to take down an enemy team. For those working through the larger missions, there’s a task where you have to use Storm or Captain America while Thor uses his Thorforce, and then defeat enemies.
For those trying to complete this quest, it may take a good amount of synergy with another player. Not only do you need to play as Storm or Captain America, but someone on your team has to play as Thor. If you don’t have a Thor on your team, you can’t hope to complete this quest, which means you’re out of luck attempting to get the reward. So long as you play with at least one other person, or want for someone to play as Thor, you’ll be able to complete this challenge. Here’s how you use Thorfoce to defeat five enemies while playing as Storm or Captain America in Marvel Rivals.