Do all houses have Possessed Items in Phasmophobia? Explained

Do all houses have Possessed Items in Phasmophobia? Explained

Do all houses have Possessed Items in Phasmophobia? Explained

Phasmophobia gives you tons of ways to contact or play around with its many ghosts, and Possessed Items are at the top of the list. This makes them interesting to try out when you’re looking for more signs of ghost activity. But can you find Possessed Items in every house in the game? Let’s find out.

Interacting with all the ghosts in Phasmophobia can be quite fun and useful for your contract, whether it’s calling their names to anger them, using incense (the old smudge sticks) and preventing hunts, capturing their pictures with your camera, or sprinkling lots of salt around their favorite room. 

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