Pass the professor's tests with style.
If you want to be a real go-getter in Miraland, you’re going to want to make sure you get all of Professor Aventura’s quiz answers correct. You’ll run into this intrepid academic all over the first zone of Infinity Nikki and he’s always armed with a tricky question about the details of a nearby point of interest. The real trick is that he’s usually hanging out near the side of the road before you reach the area in question so you’ve got to ignore him if you want the chance to observe the place on your own first.
It’s okay if you don’t get Aventura’s quiz questions correct on your first attempt. You can still earn a reward—usually 20 diamonds and sometimes a generous 3,000 blings. If you want to get it on your first try though, or honestly if you did go try to observe the area yourself but you’re still stumped, I’ve collected all the right answers for you.
Professor Aventura’s location
Where is Professor Aventura?
You’ll need to meet up with Professor Aventura outside of the Old Florawish Memorial for the first time before you can begin meeting up with him in other areas around the map. Professor Aventura is standing on the side of the road leading up to the Memorial Mountains. He’ll be talking to himself and have a blue quest marker over his head so you shouldn’t miss him as long as you’re following the path winding up into the hills.
Aventura’s quiz answers
Old Florawish Memorial
What part of the central statue in the Old Florawish Memorial is damaged?
Answer: Head
Reward: 20 diamonds
This observation is pretty easy to remember if you happened to take a gander at the memorial before talking to Aventura. Of the options he gives though, the memorial having a missing head wouldn’t have been my first guess sight unseen. It’s true though, the memorial statue is undeniably decapitated.
Great Wishtree
Which of the following is not a Wishing Item found on the Great Wishtree?
Answer: A wish chime
Reward: 20 diamonds
I’ll be honest, I got this one wrong even after looking at the Great Wishtree. The woven baskets that all the wish bottles are hanging in look a little like they could be wind chimes, so he fooled me with that one. Wish cranes, bottles, and cards are all definitely hanging on the Great Wish Tree at the center of town, so the chime is indeed the answer you’re looking for.
Dream Warehouse Tower
How many dome-roofed towers still stand in the Dream Warehouse?
Answer: Three
Reward: 1,000 blings, 3 lampchilis
You have to climb pretty high up above the Dream Warehouse to get a vantage point that confirms this answer but there are definitely just three towers with domed roofs. This is just one of many times that Aventura is going to ask you to observe a specific number of items at a location, so get your counting fingers prepped.
Meadow Activity Support Center
How many balloons float above the roof of the Meadow Activity Support Center?
Answer: Five
Reward: 20 diamonds, 3,000 blings
Don’t get distracted by all the other balloons decorating the activity center. Aventura is only asking about the balloons actually attached to the roof of the building itself. So the correct answer is just five. If you want, you can even hop up there yourself to snag the blings that are on top of some of them.
Swan Gazebo
How many pillars support the Swan Gazebo?
Answer: Six
Reward: 20 diamonds, 3,000 blings
It’s a shame that Aventura didn’t ask the number of swans at the gazebo because I totally knew that answer but the number of pillars is a bit trickier. There are six of them, all draped with romantic white banners.
Shimmer Pond
What kinds of creatures inhabit Shimmer Pond?
Answer: Bow fish
Reward: 20 diamonds
This question seems tricky at first because you probably didn’t spend a lot of time fishing in Shimmer Pond before going to report back to Aventura about it. There are lots of fish varieties in that pond, actually. Look closer though, only one of those answers is actually a fish. The other three are a bird, flower, and vegetable.
Meadow Wharf
How many intact, sail-less boats are docked at Meadow Wharf?
Answer: Three
Reward: 20 diamonds, 3,000 blings
Avetura’s trying to trick you again with this Meadow Wharf observation. While talking with him, you can spot a single ship with a sail in the background. He’s actually asking about boats that don’t have sails, meaning the tiny little row boats that are hanging about the wharf. There are only three of those, so that’s your answer.
Queen Philomia’s Palace Ruins
Inside the Queen Philomia’s Palace Ruins, there is a sculpture in the central flowerbed. What is the sculpture of?
Answer: A violin
Reward: 20 diamonds
I totally assumed that the queen’s palace would be decorated with something more wish-themed like a paper crane or a Faewish Sprite but nope, it’s just a classy violin. The one Aventura’s likely asking about is all the way up in the big central courtyard of the palace but you can find similar violin statues near the entrance as well.
Abandoned Camp
How many damaged catapults can be found near the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp?
Answer: Three
Reward: 20 diamonds, 3,000 blings
This might be the trickiest observation that Aventura asks for. Once you head up to the abandoned camp, you’ll eventually find two rather large, broken catapults inside the camp walls. Without any others in sight, you’d think that would be the answer. There’s actually a third catapult outside the camp near the fast travel waypoint but it’s nearly buried in the ground and much harder to spot.
Border Outpost
What color is the flag hanging on the Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost wall?
Answer: Yellowish-green
Reward: 20 diamonds
This observation quest is pretty out of the way, but once you arrive it’s pretty easy to answer. Take a stroll over to the big wall past where Aventura is hanging out and you’ll easily spot that the banners for Heartcraft Kingdom are a very muted yellow-green color.