All rewards in ESO’s 2024 Frosty Fun Golden Pursuits
It’s never too early to celebrate! That seems to be the rationale behind The Elder Scrolls Online‘s latest update, which sees the experimental Golden Pursuit system return for round two. If you don’t want to wait for the New Life event to earn festive rewards, look no further.
Golden Pursuits are a bit of an odd feature, but certainly not an unwelcome one; any avenue to earn rewards for free is a good thing, after all. They are, in essence, limited-time optional objectives that any player can compete to earn unique rewards, a little bit like a battle pass but mercifully without having to put money down up front. You’re automatically opted in and probably even earning rewards without realizing it! To check the current list of Golden Pursuits or claim any rewards you’ve accrued, simply open up your group menu (which will be colored gold to clue you in).