All MiSide achievements and how to unlock them

All MiSide achievements and how to unlock them

All MiSide achievements and how to unlock them

Getting away from Crazy Mita is the least of your worries as the treasure hunt for those MiSide achievements continues. Rising to the challenge and tasked to defeat different versions of Mita, all while searching for various collectibles in your entrapment—well—it’s no surprise that Player one keeps finding himself inside his own creation.

There are 26 achievements in MiSide. Some are far harder to nab than others. We highly recommend searching for these after achieving the bad ending as you can revisit the start of a chapter from the main menu. Our achievements are shown in chronological order. Stick to this order as you play through, that way you aren’t repeatedly put back to the start of a chapter in search of the next achievement.

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