Steam Has New Rules For DLC And Season Passes To Prevent Players From Getting Screwed

You shouldn’t pre-order games, but people do it all the time anyway. Increasingly, people have gotten in the habit of pre-ordering DLC too, paying up front for content that won’t be delivered for months or even years, if ever. Valve’s now cracking down on the whole thing with stricter rules for companies selling…Read more...

You shouldn’t pre-order games, but people do it all the time anyway. Increasingly, people have gotten in the habit of pre-ordering DLC too, paying up front for content that won’t be delivered for months or even years, if ever. Valve’s now cracking down on the whole thing with stricter rules for companies selling…Read more...

You shouldn’t pre-order games, but people do it all the time anyway. Increasingly, people have gotten in the habit of pre-ordering DLC too, paying up front for content that won’t be delivered for months or even years, if ever. Valve’s now cracking down on the whole thing with stricter rules for companies selling…

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