Should you evolve Galarian Corsola into Cursola in Pokémon Go?

Should you evolve Galarian Corsola into Cursola in Pokémon Go?

Should you evolve Galarian Corsola into Cursola in Pokémon Go?

Every Pokémon you catch in Pokémon Go can be useful to you if you know how to use them and in what activities. You normally want the strongest form of a Pokémon, but things get interesting when you consider Galarian Corsola and if you should evolve it into Cursola.

Although Cursola is a stronger form of this Pokémon family, there are several reasons you may prefer the base form over its evolved form. You’ll want to consider the stats and moveset for both the base and evolved form, as well as where you can use it. We’ll give a distinct breakdown between Galarian Corsola and Cursola, making it easier for you to make your choice in Pokémon Go.

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