Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Has A Hidden Class System You Need To Know About

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero delivers a ton of what fans have wanted from a DBZ fighting game, including a humongous cast of characters. There are 180-plus fighters to choose from and nearly half need to be unlocked. Although it’s easy to assume that such a large roster would have minimal differences, there is more…Read more...

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero delivers a ton of what fans have wanted from a DBZ fighting game, including a humongous cast of characters. There are 180-plus fighters to choose from and nearly half need to be unlocked. Although it’s easy to assume that such a large roster would have minimal differences, there is more…Read more...

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero delivers a ton of what fans have wanted from a DBZ fighting game, including a humongous cast of characters. There are 180-plus fighters to choose from and nearly half need to be unlocked. Although it’s easy to assume that such a large roster would have minimal differences, there is more…

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