All Phasmophobia Camp Woodwind Cursed Possession locations

All Phasmophobia Camp Woodwind Cursed Possession locations

All Phasmophobia Camp Woodwind Cursed Possession locations

One of the best ways to learn more about the ghost when you’re struggling to get evidence in Phasmophobia is using Cursed Possessions. If you want to use these powerful tools, you need to know where they can be found around every map including Camp Woodwind.

Outdoor maps are much trickier to investigate than indoor ones, so it’s crucial you make the most of your time to ensure you’re able to correctly identify the ghost. Knowing where each Cursed Object can be found ahead of time is an easy way to boost your odds of success, so here are the exact locations of every Cursed Possession at the Camp Woodwind map in Phasmophobia.

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