Let Me Solo Her escapes 180-day Elden Ring ban after the FromSoft cops sent him down for installing Fortnite dances

Our boy is free.

Our boy is free.

Under the Tsar, revolutionaries would honour fallen comrades with the song You Fell Victim (Vy zhertvoyu pali). Under lamplight in secret rooms they would sing: “You fell victim in a fatal struggle, of selfless love towards the people, you gave all you had for them, for their life, honour, and freedom.”

But those lyrics no longer make me think of the great radicals of old. They now remind me of Let Me Solo Her, jar-headed Hercules and our 2022 gamer of the year, who has spent years helping Elden Ring players overcome the game’s hardest bosses. But what is a hero to a tyrant? A few days ago, LMSH announced on X, “The Everything App” (via GamesRadar) that he had been hit by a 180-day penalty to online play on his main account about six months ago. His crime? Spreading joy through dance.

About 6 months ago, my main Elden Ring account got a 180 day penalty for using this fortnite dance mod for a video. At the end of October I’ll be a free man(jar) .Lets goooooooooo pic.twitter.com/O2BjALFrYSOctober 13, 2024

Well, all right. Specifically, he was spreading joy through Fortnite dances that he’d modded into the game, which uncle FromSoft apparently did not look kindly upon. It seems like Elden Ring’s Easy Anti-Cheat tech didn’t like LMSH messing with the game’s files to get his zoomer dances in there, and slapped the ban on him in response.

A tragedy and an injustice, yes, but there’s a happy ending. As of yesterday, LMSH(‘s main Elden Ring account) walks free and upright. He’s been released from his ban and allowed to leave the game’s offline Alcatraz. More importantly, he can now join our games and beat bosses for us again. At least until he mods Rick and Morty into the game or something.

I AM FREE https://t.co/IB1dPK2A3l pic.twitter.com/smPbdJ7TnaOctober 16, 2024

LMSH has had quite the 2024, what with Shadow of the Erdtree’s release earlier this year. It took him three hours to get over his jitters and start clowning on the DLC’s end-boss, at which point he became both Let Me Solo Him and Let Me Solo Them—think of it as three hypostases united in one guy, like the Holy Trinity with an uchigatana—and began clowning on Erdtree just as hard as he clowns on the likes of Malenia. You’ll always be a hero to me no matter what the anti-cheat cops say, LMSH.

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