Yakuza Wars looks like a microtransaction-filled mobile grindfest
I love the Yakuza (or Like a Dragon) series. I’ve played every game, even Dead Souls. I know Kamurocho like the back of my hand and can belt out Baka Mitai with the best of them—but even I can’t find anything to like about Yakuza Wars.
The lull between mainline Like a Dragon games is always an interesting time for the fanbase. There’s discussion of what came before and speculation on what might come next. When Yakuza Wars was publicly trademarked earlier this year, there was quite a buzz about what it could mean for the series: real-time strategy spinoff, maybe? Standalone expansion on Yakuza 6‘s Yakuza clan creation minigame? As of today, though, the truth has been revealed, and it is, crushingly, just another dime-a-dozen mobile gacha game.