‘U.S. men’s basketball star with eight three-pointers in the gold medal game, familiarly’ NYT Mini Crossword answer and hints
I imagine many of you looking for the answer to this clue might live outside the United States, where basketball isn’t as appreciated. Or, you might not be a sports fan altogether. Whatever the case, we have some hints that should steer you in the right direction and make the five-down clue easier.
‘U.S. men’s basketball star with eight three-pointers in the gold medal game, familiarly’ NYT Sept. 17 Mini Crossword hints
Five down clue. Screenshot by Dot Esports Hint one: One of the biggest, if not the biggest, names in basketball today. Hint two: The final two letters make up a scientific scale. Hint three: Their surname is a type of food commonly associated with South Asia. Hint four: It ends with “H.”
This is about as close as I can get you to the final answer without revealing it completely. Instead, I will do this in the next section of this guide.