The Forever Winter players already fed up with technical issues and one brutal, real-time mechanic
The Forever Winter is upon us, and the gritty extraction “shooter” is already making the rounds. However, the game has been met with a ton of criticism from players despite its many positives, with critics mostly citing tech problems and the strange, unnecessary water mechanic.
The technical problems were to be expected. Developed by a small team and released way early through the Steam early access system, the title was bound to suffer from technical and performance issues. Janky movement, clipping, and other related bugs are sort of part of the early access package, no matter what game you’re getting (there have been notable exceptions to the rule, but it’s still a rule). The primary problem, however, has nothing to do with your bog standard early access jank. No, this time it’s a real-time water mechanic that requires you to constantly bring water from runs to your base, or else it will tick down even when offline, wipe your progress, and return you to first base.