The best Dota 2 hero at TI has one of the worst win rates in ranked right now
This year’s The International has come and gone, and you’d think one of the best heroes at the pinnacle Dota 2 tournament would see an uptick in pick and win rates as players replicate the pros in their Herald matches. Not so this time, it seems, with this year’s top support Naga Siren floundering.
Naga Siren was the most contested hero at TI 2024, notching an impressive 96 percent contest rate according to stats site Spectral. She only made it through draft 12 times but in three-quarters of her matches her team won thanks to her adaptive kit and the all-important Deluge Hero Facet. Yet, despite all of this, her needle’s barely moved in ranked; she sits in the bottom 10 for win rate as casual players keep plugging her in as a carry hoping for a miracle.