Short, Wonderful Games Like Astro Bot Are The Antidote To The Industry’s Scope Problem

I’ve been on a tear the last few weeks. I often fall into long stretches where I pick up and play a lot of games for varying periods of time, but never finish them. Thanks to the job, I just rarely have the time to linger on a thing for too long outside of a professional obligation. Fortunately, the last few games…Read more...

I’ve been on a tear the last few weeks. I often fall into long stretches where I pick up and play a lot of games for varying periods of time, but never finish them. Thanks to the job, I just rarely have the time to linger on a thing for too long outside of a professional obligation. Fortunately, the last few games…Read more...

I’ve been on a tear the last few weeks. I often fall into long stretches where I pick up and play a lot of games for varying periods of time, but never finish them. Thanks to the job, I just rarely have the time to linger on a thing for too long outside of a professional obligation. Fortunately, the last few games…

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