Satisfactory: How to enable Arachnophobia Mode

Satisfactory: How to enable Arachnophobia Mode

Satisfactory: How to enable Arachnophobia Mode

Arachnophobia is no joke, so when Satisfactory fires a whole horde of Stingers after you, it’s understandable that you might feel the urge to exit the game immediately and never go back. Thankfully for players, there’s a dedicated Arachnophobia Mode to alleviate your concerns and make the experience more user-friendly.

By activating the “Arachnophobia Mode” option, you’ll be replacing the Stinger models with three sprites of different cat breeds, each one corresponding to a Stinger variant. an orange cat represents Baby Stingers, a black cat representing Alpha Stingers, and “lying black cats” represent Elite Gas Stingers.

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