Riot bans TFT player Setsuko for ‘discriminatory and denigrating language’
Riot Games officially banned competitive Teamfight Tactics player and content creator Kevin “Setsuko” Jiang on Sept. 12 for breaching Article 9.2.5 of the Americas esports Magic n’ Mayhem rulebook and Articles 3.21 and 3.8 from the global esports code of conduct.
Setsuko popped into the TFT scene as a competitive player during Set Eight Monsters Attack, finishing third during the NA Regional Finals and eighth at Set Eight Worlds. Heading into the Set 11 World Championship, following a combination of NA, BR, and LATAM into the Americas region, Setsuko was reported as having issues with Brazilian fans and other players. These actions earned Setsuko a penalty in July 2024, according to Riot, for profanity and hate speech. Despite the penalty, Setsuko displayed “little remorse” for his actions. And the actions were repeated, resulting in an official ban for the remainder of TFT Set 12, until Nov. 27.