Reject the patch, embrace getting beaten up.
The latest patch for Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree made some surprising changes, one of which was nerfing the last boss of the DLC, Promised Consort Radahn. But some players have decided that this is a move in the wrong direction and have begun modding these changes out.
FromSoft’s patch nerfed the damage of Radahn’s attacks, stamina damage, and range . Fighting Radahn will be by no means easy, but it won’t be as much of an ordeal as it once was. A small part of me is happy to see these changes as I’m yet to fight Radahn, but really, I don’t want any help. I don’t care how long it takes or how infuriating the final fight is. I want to fight Radahn as intended and do what I do best—somehow scrape by on my hundredth try and then claim that I wasn’t even really trying.
So when I finally get around to the final boss, I’ll likely make use of one of the many mods that restore Radahn to his true strength. Pre-Nerf Promised Consort Radahn is one of the projects that aims to “bring back pre-nerf [Radahn] with the new L latest patches.”
Another mod, Better Promised Consort Radahn, does a little bit more than just rework Radahn’s recent changes. “Post patch significantly slows down his temp, so this is for anyone who liked his old aggression and speed but not the bugs and interactions that made him unbalanced,” modder Interloper says in the description. One of the bugs in question would force Radahn into a wall, causing him to disappear and then just randomly die, which wasn’t greatly appreciated by players who had been dedicating blood, sweat, and tears to the fight for hours.
Otherwise, this mod also adds a terrain rework, making everything mostly flat so you shouldn’t get caught on any random edges, and adds a sound cue to some of Radahn’s clone attacks and meteor to make it easier to identify. While this will make the fight easier in some aspects, it doesn’t change Radahn’s strength; it just makes it less of a chore to keep up with his, at times, chaotic attack combos.
Another mod that also introduces some detailed changes is DLC Radahn Prenerf (as well as a version that only nerfed the cross). “I think I found almost all the changes. However, some [players] would consider [the patch] too much of a nerf of the boss—as often I met people who thought that everything except the cross attack was unnecessary,” the modder MiquellaTheUnalloyed says in the description. “So I made a mod to reverse all of these changes, as well as a version that leaves the cross-attack nerf in place.”
The change to the cross attack that MiquellaTheUnalloyed decided to leave in place was probably one of the hardest combo attacks that Radahn could dish out. Other than light rolling or pulling out a shield, it was almost impossible to dodge all of his consecutive attacks—if you dodged the first attack, you’d get hit by the second and vice versa. But otherwise, Radahn’s monstrous attacks or massive weapon hitboxes, while challenging, are part of the fun of trying to kill a god.