Is WoW coming to Xbox consoles? Answered
World of Warcraft has made major steps toward being playable on consoles in recent years. Shadowlands finally added official controller support, Dragonflight added an interact button, and Microsoft owns Activision Blizzard, so it’s understandable if you’re wondering whether WoW will soon be playable on Xbox consoles.
Is World of Warcraft coming to Xbox?
Just imagine soaring through Khaz Algar while you’re kicking back on the couch. Screenshot by Dot Esports
WoW The War Within is not playable on Xbox at the time of writing, and a 2022 interview with Ion Hazzikostas suggests Blizzard has no plans to port WoW to consoles. Hazzikostas told IGN: “Nah, I think World of Warcraft is a game designed from the ground up for the PC.” However, WoW has made several crucial steps toward console playability in the last few years, so I wouldn’t rule out its potential console launch entirely.