Bwipo addresses behavioral concerns: ‘I’ve been diagnosed with something’

Bwipo addresses behavioral concerns: ‘I’ve been diagnosed with something’

Bwipo addresses behavioral concerns: ‘I’ve been diagnosed with something’

Over the last couple of weeks, the League of Legends community has brought up concerns about the behavior of FlyQuest’s star top laner Bwipo. During streams, viewers have watched a shocking increase in toxicity through his actions online, but now, the 25-year-old has given answers to his fans, along with some worried friends who have reached out to him.

After League content creator LS spoke to him about his recent behavior, Bwipo supposedly contacted a mental health specialist. He was apparently diagnosed with an ailment that he didn’t go into detail about but said that there was “something going on with him” that was causing him to act irrationally.

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