All Pokémon Go Community Day Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta Special Research tasks and rewards
The next Community Day has arrived to Pokémon Go, featuring Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta side-by-side. These two Pokémon will have increased spawns on Sept. 14 from 2pm to 5pm in your local area. You can also grab a Special Research for the Community Day with several tasks and rewards.
You need to purchase this Special Research ticket before the event to begin working on it. Anyone who doesn’t have it won’t earn the tasks or rewards, but you can still participate in the free Community Day event featuring Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta. You’ll have a chance to evolve them to their final form, Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash, and teach them a new charged move, Wild Charge. Here’s what you need to know about all the Community Day Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta Special Research tasks and rewards in Pokémon Go.