You thought this was over? Dota 2 players uncover yet another Midas exploit
The past week in Dota 2 has been quite eventful. And it would’ve likely been an exciting one if all the events didn’t revolve around a single item—the Hand of Midas—that continues to be exploited. Now, a new bug involving the Lone Druid has been discovered.
Though not as powerful as the initial couple of Midas exploits, the Lone Druid can now reset, or speed up, the recharge of Midas by utilizing the all-too-powerful Spirit Bear. If Druid casts the Hand of Midas on a creep, then gives it to the Spirit Bear with a full inventory and passes the Midas into another slot in the backpack, the item gains an extra charge that only the Spirit Bear can use. I’ve confirmed this exploit in a demo area, and it appears that after the extra charge is spent, there is no way of resetting the cooldown until it ticks down on its own.