LoL players hope emergence of Garen and Nasus in pro play will see them ‘finally get nerfed’
The mid lane meta in competitive LoL is taking a walk on the wild side. In the LCK, we’ve started to see the emergence of Garen and Nasus, two top lane champions, being picked against each other. Now, fans are wondering whether this has promising implications for the low-elo solo queue.
In an Aug. 28 Reddit thread, League of Legends players voiced their desires for Riot to put these champions on the chopping block after their emergence in the mid-lane. The sentiment arose after ShowMaker and Chovy, two of LoL’s biggest names, locked in Garen and Nasus in their LCK Summer Playoffs match. The matchup between Chovy and ShowMaker was relatively uneventful, but perhaps this is the new answer to mid, now that ADCs are appearing less and less.