LoL devs joke about adding Yuumi’s sister—and she’d be every player’s worst nightmare
If you’ve ever had a nightmare that took hold of you so grippingly that you couldn’t sleep that night, or any other night for that matter, you probably didn’t dream of what Riot’s devs mockingly brought up in a recent video: Yuumi’s sister and all of her devilish spells.
When asked about removing Yuumi from League of Legends in an Aug. 22 developer update, the devs said they haven’t thought about that. Instead, head of League studio Andrei “Meddler” van Roon jokingly said Riot is going to add Twomi, Yuumi’s long-lost sister who will “have two books, will be permanently attached, will have double crit, a three-hit, a four-hit, and a five-hit passive, multiple dashes, a global ult, yes multiple global ults, [be able to] transform into Lee Sin, has his entire kit if she needs it, and is also Yone and Yasuo’s sister.” Talk about a nightmarish idea.