High Elo Dota 2 players are tired of Immortal Draft: ‘Valve, please get rid of it’
Every game has its own way of treating high Elo brackets. But it’s not often that we see a high Elo rank have a matchmaking system of its own like Dota 2’s Immortal, whose so-called “Immortal Draft” is causing lots of headaches for its players.
Immortal Draft is causing so much of a headache, in fact, that people are actively calling on Valve to either kill or redesign the concept altogether. Players on social media, especially Reddit, have been citing numerous problems with the Immortal Draft mode, primarily win-trading and double MMR token abuse, among others. Win-trading especially is troublesome because, in Immortal Draft, players in the same party can end up on opposite teams due to the mode’s team scrambling mechanic, allowing some players in said parties to troll and rig wins for their friends.