Black Ops 6 promises faster TTK than Cold War for ‘tight and fluid action’
As the early access Open Beta launches tomorrow, Treyarch has announced it has “dialed down” the time-to-kill in Black Ops 6, making it “slightly faster” than in Cold War. The studio says it will closely monitor how these changes impact the game as the open beta progresses.
In an official Call of Duty blog post on Aug. 28, Treyarch explained the changes made to the TTK, which it claims were “fine-tuned” while making the game. The studio considered weapon balance and the new Omnimovement mechanic when reducing the average time-to-kill but still aimed to preserve players’ ability to “react to incoming damage” and participate in “meaningful engagements or disengagements.” It also clarified that enemy health bars won’t be visible, but players will have their own “contextual health bar” on the game’s HUD.