A new trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero takes aim at Dragon Ball Z’s earliest story arcs, the Saiyan and Namek sagas. New characters from both eras will be joining the roster. New fighters include members of both the Ginyu and Frieza Forces (remember Cui?), the Namakian warrior Nail, and every form of Frieza during the Z era. Perhaps most hilariously, you can even play as one of the Saibamen, meaning we get to watch it blow up Yamcha all over again, which never gets old. Here's the full list of new fighters joining the roster: Captain Ginyu Chiaotzu Cui Dodoria Frieza (Z), 1st Form Frieza (Z), 2nd Form Frieza (Z), 3rd Form Frieza (Z), 4th Form Frieza (Z), Full Power Guldo Nail Nappa Raditz Recoome Saibaman Zarbon Super Zarbon Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero launches on October 11 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
A new trailer for Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero takes aim at Dragon Ball Z’s earliest story arcs, the Saiyan and Namek sagas. New characters from both eras will be joining the roster.
New fighters include members of both the Ginyu and Frieza Forces (remember Cui?), the Namakian warrior Nail, and every form of Frieza during the Z era. Perhaps most hilariously, you can even play as one of the Saibamen, meaning we get to watch it blow up Yamcha all over again, which never gets old.
Here’s the full list of new fighters joining the roster:
Captain Ginyu
Frieza (Z), 1st Form
Frieza (Z), 2nd Form
Frieza (Z), 3rd Form
Frieza (Z), 4th Form
Frieza (Z), Full Power
Super Zarbon
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero launches on October 11 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.