Overwatch 2 looking to test out return to 6v6, other new team composition formats
The Overwatch 2 devs have heard the community loud and clear, and in a dev blog today, game lead Aaron Keller said the team is looking at running tests surrounding “different core team composition formats”—including six-vs-six.
Six-vs-six has become something of a rallying cry for frustrated community members who have been dissatisfied with the game for months now. Of course, six players per team was the format employed by the original Overwatch as the game shifted to five-vs-five with the release of Overwatch 2. In his dev blog, Keller outlined much of the dev philosophy that went into the shift from six-vs-six to five-vs-five and some of the hurdles the team faces in terms of simply bringing back the old method of playing the game, including adding two extra characters and all of their inputs into a game that’s received some graphic overhauls, as well as the dreaded queue times of the original game.