How to get and use Seppuku in Elden Ring
Sometimes, to defeat your enemy, you must make a sacrifice—whether or not that sacrifice is mental or very, very physical. Seppuku in Elden Ring takes that lesson to its illogical conclusion, to exceptional results.
Where to find Seppuku in Elden Ring
The little fella can be hard to spot, thanks to his white footprints on the frozen lake. Screenshot by Dot Esports
Seppuku is an Ash of War found on the frozen lake in the Mountaintop of the Giants, to the far northeast of the Elden Ring map. From the Freezing Lake Site of Grace, ride due east. There’s a group of trees where an Invisible Scarab runs through. Follow his tracks and wait for him with a move that deals a lot of damage in an area of effect, such as a Dragon Incantation.