After Talent trees, Innates, and Facets, Dota 2 players are now asking: ‘What’s next?’
Dota 2 has come a long way since its release in 2013. From featuring nothing more than hero abilities and their respective stats, the game’s formula has evolved to include Talent trees and other features, alongside the recently-added Innates and Facets—and players are now wondering what’s coming next.
“What’s next in Dota‘s evolution,” asked a player in a July 14 Reddit thread, where they highlighted just how far we are from the game’s original design. Aghanim’s Scepter now works on essentially every hero in the game, Neutral items can give heroes game-changing abilities, and the Innate abilities and Facets introduced in Update 7.36 have completely reshaped the Dota experience. Dota 2 is no stranger to drastic changes, and its chief designer IceFrog is a lot more reckless than developers at Riot Games, for example, leading players in the thread to theorize what wild updates might come next.