Wuthering Waves: Tactical Hologram Challenges explained
Wondering how Tactical Hologram challenges work in Wuthering Waves? Tactical Holograms are optional challenges hidden throughout the world of Solaris-3 in Wuthering Waves. Interacting with these holograms will initiate some type of challenge, whether it’s a parkour course, a set of targets to hit, or a massively challenging boss. Completing these will grant you access to a chest with a handful of Union EXP and usually some Astrite, Shell Credits, Wood-textured Shards, and even weapons, making them a relatively straightforward way to get these resources if you’re at a standstill in the game’s story.
There are four main different types of Tactical Holograms that you’ll encounter, with some being available right off the bat and others taking a bit of effort to unlock. In this guide, we’ve explained how to find each type of Tactical Hologram as well as what challenges and rewards they’ll contain.