Should you assist Leda or Hornsent in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree?
Wondering if you should assist Leda or Hornsent in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree? Leda’s story in Shadow Of The Erdtree is one of the most complicated sidequests in Elden Ring and includes all NPCs in the DLC in one way or another.
During this quest and as you advance through The Shadow Keep in Scadu Altus, you’ll find two summon signs, one red and the other gold. The game will ask you to assist either Leda or the Hornsent in their fight. This choice has several outcomes and impacts later scenarios in Elden Ring.
For a list of all outcomes so you can make an informed choice between the two NPCs, and for additional information regarding Leda vs Ansbach afterwards, see our full rundown below.