No second chances: Unromanced Dragon Age: The Veilguard companions will pair off together
Dragon Age: The Veilguard features seven distinctive romanceable characters and no second chances to choose between them. As it turns out, the unromanced characters eventually find love among themselves, leaving them unavailable should you change your mind.
This unique concept, first revealed in an interview with Bioware hosted by Eurogamer, stands out because it’s a little different to other similar titles where companion NPCs are just there for your entertainment more than anything. However, their relationship needs are considered in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. If you don’t want to woo them, they find love for themselves, whether with another teammate or in the world, which makes the whole concept of romancing and even who to romance that much harder because you won’t have any NPCs waiting in the wings. They’ll be out finding their own love stories, even if it’s not with the hero.