LoL leadership talks aging player base, looks to future with new executive producer

LoL leadership talks aging player base, looks to future with new executive producer

LoL leadership talks aging player base, looks to future with new executive producer

As strange as it sounds, League of Legends is nearly 15 years old. In many ways, the industry standard-bearer in multiplayer PC gaming and esports, once a haven for young, competitive players, is now an “old” title—and it has a player base age to match.

At least, that was the gist given by League‘s leadership team in a private media event held on Riot’s Los Angeles campus. Make what you will of it, but the player base is getting older, and with that age comes a different set of challenges. “It’s not inherently a bad thing,” game director Pu Liu said in answer to a question about the age of League’s players going up after confirming the assertion was true. “If you have a game that retains players really, really well, and you have a consistent inflow of new players year over year, [the player base] should age up.”

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