Doublelift perfectly sums up LoL’s ADC meta: ‘Do everything wrong, still win’

Doublelift perfectly sums up LoL’s ADC meta: ‘Do everything wrong, still win’

Doublelift perfectly sums up LoL’s ADC meta: ‘Do everything wrong, still win’

The solo queue AD carry meta in League of Legends has been quite diverse for a while. In his latest stream, Doublelift made some strong comments on its current state.

The former pro player and now full-time streamer was playing and reviewing his high-elo games in League on June 9. In one of them, he picked Seraphine, a fairly common champion in solo queue. Despite making a few mistakes in the laning phase, he still managed to come out victorious in most skirmishes, which led to him making some insightful remarks about the role in general.

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