All guns you can get from The Final Shape raid and which encounters drop them.
You’ll need a Salvation’s Edge loot table if you want to know what weapons drop from each encounter in Destiny 2‘s new raid. Salvation’s Edge is an incredible final raid to cap off the light and dark saga, especially considering how it ties into the main story of The Final Shape and the Excision mission. It also drops some unique weapons and armour pieces that you can earn through the raid’s five encounters.
As always, only set pieces of gear drop from specific encounters and you can see a breakdown of that in the table below. There’s also a weapon list lower down containing the raid exotic and all weapons that you can get.
Destiny 2 Salvation’s Edge loot table
Destiny 2 Salvation’s Edge weapon list
Euphony (Image credit: Bungie)
Nullify (Image credit: Bungie)
Imminence (Image credit: Bungie)
Non-Denouement (Image credit: Bungie)
Summun Bonun (Image credit: Bungie)
Critical Anomaly (Image credit: Bungie)
Forthcoming Deviance (Image credit: Bungie)
All of the weapons, except the raid exotic, come with a wide selection of perks and rolls, meaning the version you get will probably be extremely different to your fireteam’s or other players.
You can also potentially drop armour from either the Promised Reign, Promised Reunion, or Promised Victory sets, which belong to Hunter, Titan, and Warlock respectively.
Here are all of the available weapons
Euphony (exotic linear fusion rifle)Nullify (legendary pulse rifle)Non-Denouement (legendary bow)Imminence (legendary submachine gun)Summun Bonun (legendary wave-frame sword)Critical Anomaly (legendary sniper rifle)Forthcoming Deviance (legendary glaive)
In addition to the regular perks, all of these weapons also have an origin trait:
Collective Purpose: Gain bonus range and handling when near allies. Bows receive a faster draw time and swords receive faster charge rate. The effect scales with the number of enemies nearby.
That covers all the gear you can get in the Salvation’s Edge raid.