Destiny 2 players struggle to adapt to ‘awful’ The Final Shape economy changes

Destiny 2 players struggle to adapt to ‘awful’ The Final Shape economy changes

Destiny 2 players struggle to adapt to ‘awful’ The Final Shape economy changes

A major change that came to Destiny 2 with The Final Shape expansion this month involved a simplified economy system based around a few key resources, but three weeks on, players are struggling to adapt to the changes that have seen Glimmer become the primary resource.

The Final Shape did away with Legendary Shards entirely, with just about every item, craft, or upgrade in some way now costing Glimmer—a resource that has been ignored for the better part of Destiny 2 as a whole as it served little purpose. As a result, players are finding it frustrating to refill their Glimmer after depleting their stocks. “I feel the overall state of the economy is significantly worse sense [sic] the removal of Legendary Shards,” one player said on the Destiny subreddit today.

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