‘This is how you introduce a champion’: LoL players praise Freljord event teasing Aurora
Riot Games launched a new Freljord-themed event yesterday, teasing the upcoming champion, Aurora. Naturally, since the whole schtick revolves around Ornn, fans are all over it, with some calling it their favorite League of Legends event.
“Getting to explore Ornn’s forge is so much fun,” a Reddit user wrote in a May 30 thread. The event’s Visual Novel sees Aurora seek out an audience with Ornn, the famed divine blacksmith, to ask if he can help her friend. The friend, of course, turns out to be one of Ornn’s many siblings, of the same god-like species as Anivia and Volibear. Players can interact with things like in any other visual novel, explore his forge, and get to know his charming character.