WoW players are noticing inconsistencies with one major character’s in-game model
It’s very common for World of Warcraft‘s developers to apply visual updates to major characters with the launch of a new expansion, and no character has received more of an evolutionary glow-up than Anduin Wrynn, the Human king of Stormwind, who has literally grown up alongside the entirety of the player base.
When WoW first launched in 2004, Anduin was a toddler, and now, he’s fully grown into a man. However, players noticed that although Anduin’s character model is extremely detailed in WoW’s art and cinematics, those extreme aging-related changes aren’t reflected as drastically in the game. In a post to the WoW subreddit earlier today, players discussed the inconsistencies between Anduin’s looks, citing how the character looks slightly different and borderline underwhelming in-game compared to what’s shown off of him in official art.