Wet and worried: MW3 players rage at season 3 map’s pool Hardpoint hill

Wet and worried: MW3 players rage at season 3 map’s pool Hardpoint hill

Wet and worried: MW3 players rage at season 3 map’s pool Hardpoint hill

Despite seemingly resembling one of the most iconic competitive maps in CoD history, some Call of Duty League fans fear 6 Star won’t ever be seen on the main stage because of a Hardpoint hill that’s submerged in water.

Sledgehammer Games released a blog today that revealed the Hardpoint locations for the upcoming season three map, 6 Star. One of the Hardpoint hills is in the pool, meaning CoD players might have to fight underwater to capture the point. The design decision sent CDL fans into a confused frenzy as some players don’t enjoy engaging in water combat because it’s only possible to use a pistol underwater.

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